
Have Questions?

We offer a complete arrangement of wedding planning services which include conceptualization of the theme, custom entertainment, venue selection, artist and celebrity management, and the smooth handling of all event details to ensure a stress-free and unforgettable wedding experience.

During the last five years, we have been very successful in planning and executing nearly 100 luxury weddings. Each of these weddings was uniquely tailored to our clients’ visions and preferences.

Yes, luxury destination weddings are our specialization. We take care of every logistical aspect including travel & accommodation, event planning, and coordination, thereby making the whole process easy and enjoyable for you and your guests.

Our method of personalization is very thorough. To begin with, we understand your ideas, preferences, and style. The team then closely explores the design of a wedding that involves telling your unique story, so that each piece of information is uniquely yours.

Yes, we have expertise in artist and celebrity management. We can arrange for celebrity appearances and performances to add a special touch to your wedding celebrations. We have previously worked with celebrities like Sunil Grover, Darshan Raval, Rahul Vaidya, Gurdeep Mehndi, and more.

You can start the process by reaching out to us on our digital platform or telephoning us. In the process of our first meeting, we will talk about the ideas and specifications you have in mind, and following this, we’ll kick-start the organization of your perfect wedding.

Absolutely. We are employing the newest digital technology for effective communication and coordination irrespective of the location of a client or one of our team members. Our team has the skill of working in different time zones which makes the planning process much easier and faster?